Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Experimenting with HTML

So a few days ago, i was searching around in my library of books and I came across one of the early book I had used to learn HTML. Its part of the "Simplified" series called "Creating Web Pages With HTML" 3rd edition. As I started to thumb through it for old times sake, I got to the "forms", "tables" and "multimedia" chapters and as I read on, it seemed more and more obvious that I just had to try my hand at an experiment. The experiment is to try and see if it really possible to create a simple text based adventure game using only HTML. Now many may say that this is impossible because HTML is not a programing language. But if you really think about it, anything can be done, its just a matter of how it gets done. So heres basically what I have right now as far as programing the game play. For starters, the only part of the code that will not be HTML, is the java scripts needed to create the pop up windows for the game. So when the player clicks on the "Play now" link the java script will pop up a 800 by 600 window, as well as opening the pop up world map. Most everything will operate by using hyperlinks, so actually creating this game will be extremely simple as far as creating flow, but it will get confusing managing all the differnt pages and links. So far, I have a working game menu, that have functioning "Play" "About" "Controls" buttons, plus a back button on every page that will return the player back to the main menu screen. The player screen will consist of A picture at the top of the window that will represent what part of the world the player is in, A map that will pop up when clicked on that will contain what stores, and other building that can be entered in that part of the world, as well as possibly an inventory, but thats an extra. Probably something I will end up working on once I get the initial game completed. The rest of the screen will be text describing the surrounding's, and giving the player options of what they want to do. For an example, maybe the player will be given choices "Talk to sailor", "Enter shipwrights", "Buy Item". Because of the game being text based, the use of vector graphics will not be used as much, but the text will be used to describe the world to the player. This game will be very reminiscent of the old "MUD's" with a few more cool features thrown in, plus a little more interactivity.

Book referred to in the begging of the article:

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